nsfw:racy: Possible ocr: tfinder Chratfi inder Urrsinn 1.0 Copuright 1790 Frank Attn Intrnductinn Uhat is the progran for? Mamnal The user interface and the gadgets istorij Uhat's neu? Uhat had the nder uerkins? Indates Ilnu tn get neu uerkinnk? Cnppright. Tlease readt T'rngranner Adress nf the progranner it Chratfinder, it' possihle to exanine ganes for cheat. and paskunrdk. Tt' ruen passihle tn uieu nessages, are mornalliy mlij seen in the gane. Chratfinder unrks uith cueri gand uhere cheat.s nr passunrds are displaied text m the soreen. The gane has tn a rile uhich is nnt conpressed. Hammal The gadgets nad gane: Ip ...